HONOR THE EARTH WITH WILD EDIBLES The earth, in its infinite generosity, provides us with so much sustenance. Wild edibles are just one such example. One way in which we can honor the earth is by striving to mitigate the need for a lot of ancillary packaging and transporting of foods around the globe. And […]
The Role of Yoga Women’s Health
The therapeutic value of yoga is far reaching, it goes well beyond the scope of the physical body. A basic understanding of the stages of life offers insight as to how a woman can practice self-care and connect to the ancient wisdom of yoga to live a balanced life. The Three Stages of Life Ayurveda […]
By Diana Bellofatto Spring has sprung and guided by Ayurveda, we are called to cleanse and comfort the liver. If we think of the body as a corporation, the liver has the very important job of CEO! It is responsible for hundreds of vital functions in the body. Suffice it to say that the stressors […]